Invite Others to Join Alpha

Alpha Series 2020 –Returns Monday 10 February

Alpha is a space to explore the Christian faith in an open and friendly environment. Each session includes dinner + a video + a chat. We get to know each other over a meal, watch some video input and then get a chance to discuss and share what we've heard. For many who took part in the last series, it was a lot of fun as well as a transformative experience: 

"Throughout the interactive sessions, our group has built great friendship and trust in sharing openly and praying together. Each episode addressed a fresh opportunity to look at the basics of our Christian faith. It has been such a wonderful and memorable experience!" (Barbara)

"I received a greater love for my Faith, a heightened sense of the Love of God, His Son and His Holy Spirit. I have been blessed to have been a participant in this Program" (John)

"My Alpha experience was life-changing." (Lorenzo)

"By being part of Alpha, coming to Mass has become much more joyful because of the new friendships made. I know so many more people now and call them friends. It has connected me more to my parish, and to the power of the Holy Spirit at work in my life as well." (Pina)

Let's Invite Others

Come along and find out what Alpha is about! Alpha is for all of us, but it is especially good for those who have become disconnected from God, or who have never had faith.

Who could you invite to come along to explore the Christian faith? Think of two or three people, perhaps family members, friends, colleagues or neighbours who you could invite. Ask the Lord to reveal to you who to invite.

Then pray for these people each day. Have the courage, and make an opportunity to invite them. Give them a postcard; or offer to come to Alpha with them. They would be very welcome.

In the Gospels, we hear of people bringing their friends to Jesus for healing. We can do the same. They may say no at this time, but that's ok. We have thought of them and prayed for them - let God do the rest, in God's time.

Sign Up for Alpha!

Alpha starts on Monday 10 February, 7:00pm - 9:15pm, at St Charles Catholic Primary School Hall.

There is no cost to attend, but registration is essential. Please sign up at, or fill out a form at the back of the Church and place in the box provided.

We look forward to welcoming you as our guest!


p: Pina 0432 682 239 or Tania 0416 436 245
