Becoming Catholic - RCIA

Do you or someone you know have an interest in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Church?

 To help people learn more about the Catholic Church and prepare to become part of the faith community there is a welcoming program run regularly in the parish called the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). 

It is a journey of faith as a group that allows you to understand and explore what it means to be Catholic and join with other believers in this big family which we call the Catholic Church, and especially in our local Ryde-Gladesville Catholic community. 

Our RCIA program for 2020-21 will be starting shortly here in Ryde-Gladesville Catholic Parish. We are planning to have an information night on October 21, before the program commences. 

For enquiries, please contact Br Dan on 0428687808 or
