Youth Update

Youth Ministry Re-Ignited!

IGNITE (primary years 4-6)Good news! Our Ignite group for kids in Years 4-6 is back every second Saturday! Join us on 27th March from 3pm to 4:30pm at Our Lady Queen of Peace for fun and games, and getting to know Jesus better, as well as an Easter Egg Hunt ! To sign up, go to

For more info, contact Hannah & Deacon Steve at

SPARC (all high school) Our SPARC group is meeting every Friday from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. If you are in high school and looking for something to do on a Friday night, then join us for some food and fun! We start again after the school holidays.

For more info, contact Olivia & Deacon Steve at

SET ALIGHT (ages 18+) We encourage all our young adults to take part in our Passion Play rehearsals after the 6pm Sunday Mass, and then stick around for a social night to hang out!

For more info, contact Deacon Steve at

Break over the holidays Sparc and Ignite will be back after the school holidays our first get together will be on the weekend of the 23rd & 24th April, we look forward to seeing you all then. Enjoy the holidays!

Passion Play

Don’t forget to attend the Stations of the Cross at St Charles Borromeo School on Friday 2nd April at 10am. The group has been rehearsing for weeks so come along and support them!

Join us every Sunday night after the 6pm Youth Mass at St Charles. All youth are welcome.

For more information contact Olivia & Deacon Steve at





