From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 18th June 2023

Hi Everyone!
Wonderful turn out at the Walk With Christ Last Sunday
It was great to see so many RGCP parishioners turn out for our Corpus Christi “Walk With Christ” procession through the heart of the CBD last Sunday. The Catholic Weekly reported that there were more than 10,000 people present, which is quite a feat. I thank those of you who came along and walked under our Parish banner, and for the witness you gave to Christ by being a part of this public event. I counted about 100 of our own parishioners there, which was the biggest turn out from our Parish in many years. So, a big 'thank you'! (photos page 3).

Bishop Danny Meagher will be at all Confirmation Masses this weekend.
This weekend we will have a further three Confirmation Masses, one of which is at OLQP, and our own Bishop Danny Meagher this year will be conferring the Sacrament of Confirmation at each one of them (Bishop Terry Brady retired last year). I am certain you will make him feel very welcome.

Each year around 120 of our youth receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, but in order to cater for such a large number, while fostering a more personal experience, we limit the number of candidates to about 20 per Confirmation Mass, and celebrate these outside of the normal Mass times. This allows for a much greater number of family and friends to participate without the Church being overly full.

We are extremely grateful to Bishop Danny for being so available to bring the Sacrament of Confirmation to so many of our youth.

A Word of Support to all our 'Parish Carers'.
There is a hidden “ministry” of our Parish that usually doesn’t get mentioned in our Parish bulletin, and certainly doesn’t make it onto the rosters each week, even though without it many families could not function.

There are a good number of you who are caring for elderly or sick parents, spouses, and other vulnerable people, who would otherwise be left to their own devices or at the mercy of external agencies.

I consider that to be as valuable and as essential a “ministry” in our parish as those who minister at Church and our other outreach services. You patiently and lovingly look after them, often '24/7'. You get them to Church. You make sure they don’t miss their appointments and you bring joy and comfort to their lives. I thought of you as I listened to the Gospel on Friday for the Feast of the Sacred Heart, in which Jesus said:

‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11, 25)

It is to you that we offer our heartfelt thanks and for you that we offer our prayers and support. Please remember that we can bring communion to the 'house bound' every week and that our priests are available for home visits should they need their particular services.

May the Good Lord reward all you who are carrying on this essential RGCP ministry, bolster you all in your work and help those whom you care for to 'weather the difficulties' with much patience and a good sense of humour.

Father Daniele has safely arrived in Italy
Father Daniele arrived safely in Italy last Monday, where he immediately caught up with his elderly mother (see photo below) and thanks you all for your prayers and well wishes for this visit home to Italy.

He will be away for the next two months, attending a Verbum Dei conference on mission in Spain, before another week with his Mum, and then a month of silent retreat. All your resident priests are Verbum Dei Missionaries, who are encouraged to make a month-long retreat in silence each year, directed by other members of our community. This is our way of replenishing our apostolic enthusiasm and deepen in in our love for God and others. Fr. Daniele will be back with us, God willing, in the first week of August.

And that’s about it for this week. Make the most of the wonderful sunny weather, despite the ‘nip’ in the air, and have a beautiful week ahead.

Your brother in Christ’s missionary service,

Fr. Greg
