COVID-19 Safety Precautions for Relics Visit
Important Notice- Relics of St Thérèse and Saints Zélie and Louis Martin
In light of the COVID-19, you must not touch the reliquaries with anything. You must not kiss the reliquaries or place your hands or other objects on them under any circumstances.
While kissing and touching are typical customs of a relics visit, in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, particularly to those who are elderly, sick or immuno-suppressed and would be less likely to survive infection, it is extremely important that parishioners and visitors refrain from touching the reliquaries.
The relics are currently undertaking a 4 month pilgrimage across Sydney, and may have been handled by many people. Thus, it is important both for the safety of yourselves, your family and others, that we take extra precautions at this time.
We kindly ask that you follow these precautions to protect yourself and our community. The visit of the Relics will still be a special time for our Parish and the Catholic community, and we look forward to celebrating it with you.
Thank you for your understanding.
For more information about the relics visit to Ryde Gladesville Parish, visit our website:érèse