From Fr Greg's Pew: 30th March
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement received from our efforts to maintain our pastoral care, despite the recent closure of our Parish Churches.
We promise to do all we can to make this coming Easter as meaningful as possible for all of you, so that the experience of Christ's resurrection be felt in among the "Good Friday" atmosphere around us at present.
I write to you today, however, with an important message regarding access to the Parish Office and surrounds.
As a result of the clampdown being undertaken by NSW Police at businesses and homes to ensure compliance with the recently enacted 'social distancing legislation', I have had to temporarily restrict all FOB access to the Parish Centre, along with both SCB and OLQP Churches, to staff, maintenance personnel and other authorised persons, until the current preventative measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic have been lifted. Once this is all over, we will invite you to come in to switch your FOB back on.
We request that all visitors to the Parish office abide by the strict "three's-a-crowd" requirements if for whatever reason you need to access the site.
We also wish to reinforce the recent health recommendations made, that all our parishioners aged 70+, along with any just below that age with pre-existing medical conditions, remain at home as much as possible.
If any of our elderly parishioners need assistance with shopping or other matters, please let us know. We have a number of volunteers who are ready and willing to help out.
With all the Lord's compassionate blessings, in the midst of this strange run-up to Holy Week 2020, I remain,
Your brother in Christ's concern for you all,
Fr. Greg
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