From Fr Greg's Pew

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well.

How good it is to have the Church at SCB open once again? It was a long 51 days of closure, but I was glad to see so many of you back at the Masses, or popping in for a quiet moment of prayer during the week. I hope you find solace and comfort in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, whom you can find there on the SCB all day long. 

Big thank you to all the volunteers who manned the Church during the week, and helped clean afterwards. The COVID – 19 has given us the possibility of all day adoration at St. Charles, Tuesday to Sunday from sun-up to sun-down. Thanks for that. And we will keep the lights on at night at both SCB and OLQP Churches, as a sign to everyone that we are still very much open for business.

Mass Bookings. Please remember that to attend Mass, you have to book in your attendance each time via the Parish office. Don't just turn up expecting to get a place ... you will most likely be left outside. A maximum of 10 participants can attend each Mass (in addition to ministers and essential personnel). If there are more than ten participants at any time, the Mass will have to be paused until the numbers are within permitted limits. You will need to enter you name and contact details each time you come to Church.

Bookings are necessary. We are once again booked out this weekend for places at most of our Masses, as well as during the week next week. If you didn't get a place at one of the Masses, you can still go up afterwards to receive Holy Communion. After Mass, all attendees must promptly leave the Church via the side door to permit those who have not participated to enter and receive Holy Communion. When there are no more who wish to receive Holy Communion, you may re-enter for quiet personal prayer.

Reception of Holy Communion after Mass. A window of 30 minutes will be given for all those who wish to receive Holy Communion after Mass. You will be permitted to enter in groups of 10. Once each group has received communion, they should also leave the Church to allow others to enter.

Pentecost is just a week away. Don’t forget our Pentecost retreat organised by Br. Dan, or the online virtual Pentecost Pilgrimage this week. More details on page 2 of this bulletin.

That's all for now. Your brother in Christ's service,

Fr Greg
