Ordination of Br Steve to the Diaconate

Very soon, our very own Br Steve Drum will be a Deacon! Br Steve's Ordination to the Diaconate celebrated by The Most Reverend Terence Brady on Sunday 19th July at 11:30am at St Charles Borromeo. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only 100 people are permitted in SCB. We are unfortunately unable to offer a place to everyone, as preference has been given to family members and invited friends.

We are giving those who would like to attend the Mass the opportunity to book a seat in the Parish Hall, which holds 47 people.

The screen will be set up and the Mass will be livestreamed to the Hall. Communion will be brought over to those who are attending. To book a seat in the Hall, visit: https://www.trybooking.com/BKLYR. You are also most welcome watch the livestream on YouTube at home: https://youtu.be/Q1uvgBDbN6g.

Br Steve will also be preaching at 6pm Mass on Sunday 19th July, and you are more than to book in for this very special Mass.
