What are the Youth up to?

Youth Alpha has continued to be a blessing as we hit week 2 last week with great discussions, awesome food and great friends! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions we are heading online for the time being! Please continue to pray for our young people!

Learning about Mary Mackillop last week with our new Set Alight team has been a blessing! We learn to live out our faith through the amazing men and women around us but also the saints who have reached heaven.

We've got plenty of events coming up this week for all the parish, so keep reading to find out more!


Youth Alpha (all high school)
Youth Alpha is now online! If you would like to join, we now have spots! Simply fill out this Google form: https://bit.ly/2CnOMmj and receive the Zoom link! Please keep the high school kids in your prayers. If you are looking for a youth group please contact us!

Set Alight (ages 18-40)
Our next Set Alight is next week Sunday August 23rd at 7:00pm on ‘Sharing the Joy of the Gospel,’ with an awesome sushi dinner! Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Thursday Night Live (all welcome)
Next Thursday August 20th at 7pm we will be live once again on the topic: The Joy of the Gospel: 25 years a Priest! Fr Greg Morgan will join us in light of his recent anniversary of being a priest and share with us his experiences of living life to the full! Stay tuned for more information soon! 

Saint Quote of the Week

“My past O’ Lord to your mercy, my present to your love, my future to your providence.” 

– St Padre Pio
