From Fr Greg's Desk: 27th September


Hi everyone!

Welcome back, Br. Dan! This weekend we welcome Br. Dan back to our Parish after his temporary exile in Spain and two weeks of mandatory isolation at the Novotel in Darling Harbour. Dan will have to get used to our humble abode at 2A Charles Street from now on, but we are all so glad to have you back, Br. Dan!! 

COVID 19 precautions. I thought I would remind you that our COVID 19 precautions are still well and truly needed and we thank you for your continued vigilance in this important area of public health and safety. 

We received a letter from SafeWork NSW this week, advising us that someone had informed them of an "apparent work health and safety issue" at the Parish "relating to COVID 19". It said, and I quote: "It has been advised that there will be more than 100 people attending the services at the Church and no details are being recorded should there be an outbreak of COVID 19". 

As any of you who have come to our Church know, we close the doors as soon as the magic number 100 has been reached inside, and we zealously record all visitors' contact details at the doors of our SCB Church day in and day out. That information is kept at the office for a calendar month as per COVID SAFE instructions, and we are cleaning the pews after every liturgy and every hour the Church is open. 

The Parish is and continues to comply with all COVID Safe regulations and would be happy to discuss any issues any of you may have to make sure our Churches, halls and offices remain COVID Safe.

OLQP Church Cross Refurbishment. The large copper cross perched high up on the facade of OLQP Church will be removed in coming weeks for repair and a thorough cleaning before being returned to its place once again high above Victoria Road. The large cross in the SCB Hall has now been hung up on the back wall where it enjoys a commanding position over the whole area. I am sure you will all appreciate the fantastic artistic work done by Fr. Alfredo to give Jesus some much needed colour to his rather white appearance to date!

Other Maintenance news: We are currently reinforcing one small section of the front wall at SCB on Victoria Road to ensure its longevity. All the other sections have been dealt with already; this is the only section that still needs attention. And we will be doing some outstanding maintenance work to the lower sandstone walls at the original SCB Charles St. entrance (where the choir and musicians sit) to help manage moisture issues in the sandstone there. Stay tuned for more news about developments in our property and maintenance as the next few months pass by, as we have lots of little projects on the horizon and need your financial support as we get our Parish into shape!

Fr. Greg's Study leave. Apart from that, I will be away next weekend for some study leave to finish off the final assignment for my "Graduate Certificate in Management of Not-For-Porfit Organisations" at ACU. Though I am very grateful for all I have learned over the past year from the course, I think I will be also very happy to be finished and take a break from the studies!

And that's about it for now! Enjoy the long weekend and the upcoming school holidays. See you all back at SCB, OLQP and HCC in two weeks time!

Your brother in Christ's service,

Fr Greg


