Pope Francis' Prayer Intention for September
In his prayer intention for September 2020, Pope Francis is asking everyone to pray that we may learn to respect the planet's resources and "take care of creation responsibly."
Watch the Pope's video message which outlines the prayer intention for this month.
You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/Ziryacd5vIw
Pray with the Pope
Father of All Goodness,
You have created this world full of beauty
and entrusted it to your children to care for.
Help us to have a generous and open heart,
attentive to the needs of others
and willing to share what we have.
Send your Spirit upon those leaders who make decisions
on the production and consumption of goods,
so that the planet’s resources that you entrust to us
may be shared in a just and respectful manner, honoring the dignity of all.
Our Father…
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