Priest Retirement Fund

This weekend marks the start of the Priests’ Retirement Foundation Father’s Day Appeal. Set up with the aim of looking after our sick and retired priests, the PRF provides them with appropriate accommodation and assistance with transition into retirement, medical and dental care, as well as pastoral and other support, to give them a life of relative comfort and dignity in retirement. 

As a way of expressing your gratitude for our priests who’ve nurtured your Catholic faith and provided guidance, friendship and mercy through the years, we hope that you’ll consider giving back and donate to Priest’ Retirement Foundation.

You can watch an video interview with Fr Peter Brady on this year's appeal here:

Donation envelopes will be available in the churches in the pews or at the main exits for your use, and can be left in the collection buckets provided. You can also make a donation online by visiting

 Thank you for your generosity.
