From Fr Greg's Desk: 4th October

Hi everyone!

Well, as advised last week, I am currently away on a few days of study leave, to get my final assignment in. Thanks to all of you who are covering in my absence. Just a couple of things to keep in mind this week:

Upcoming RCIA Programme. Great to have Br. Dan back! He is very keen on getting our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) going. There are already three people who have expressed interest in it, so please, if you know of someone who has made enquiries to you about becoming a Catholic, or has even just expressed curiosity about what you believe, perhaps you could invite them to come along and see what it is about? See the article on page 6 of this bulletin for further details.

HSC Blessing Mass. Next Sunday at the 6 pm Youth Mass we will be having a special HSC Blessing for all our intrepid and perhaps, a little nervous, HSC students in the Parish. We welcome you to book a place at the Mass for yourselves and close family members as we focus our mass on praying for you and your success in the HSC Examinations just around the corner.
You can book in by ringing or emailing the office next week. Seats will be limited so book in early!

COVID 19 Reminder. Just a reminder that we have been warned we will probably receive an audit from NSW Safe Work some time in the near future. We need you to be vigilant regarding COVID 19 precautions on our Churches and grounds, and especially to keep healthy distances when lining up to enter the Churches for Mass and when leaving again. These are the moments when we are most visible. We will tailor our current COVID Safe Plan to incorporate any easing of restrictions as they come into force, but not before.

And that's all for now. Have a lovely long weekend with your family and friends!

Your brother in Christ's service,

Fr. Greg
