Youth Update

Yr 12 Blessing Mass

We had an incredible 6pm youth mass last week with the opportunity to bless our HSC students as they begin their exams next week! It was also a blessing to have our youth come together from our highschool youth group from all walks of life and support these amazing people! Please keep praying for them!

# Cake Selfies!

The #dessertselfie has become a THING! Last Friday we challenged our ALpha youth to take a #dessert selfie! Our winner of the competition was Ava! Congratulations girl! We loved your nut delight!


Youth Alpha 
BIG NEWS! Youth alpha is back in person for all high-school students and we have one week left to go! That means our Sparc sessions will return to you very soon! Stay tuned for more! 

Set Alight 
Next Sunday October 25th 7pm-9pm in the St Charles Borromeo Church Hall. We will have our monthly men’s and women’s night! Join us for a meal, drinks and dessert! All ages 18-40 are welcome! 

Thursday Night Live
Thursday Night live returns Thursday October 29th at 7:00pm Stay tuned for more updates! 

Ignite Youth
Ignite youth will return Saturday October 24th 3pm-5pm on the topic: Dream Big! on Zoom stay tuned for more updates soon!

Saint Quote of the Week

"The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes." - St Teresa of Avila
