Youth Update

What have we been up to? 

To celebrate the end of Alpha and the beginning of Sparc we hosted a fun party night on the theme: Light in the Darkness (in contrast to Halloween)! With a night of reunions, fun, games, food (hosted by our amazing parents) coordinated by our awesome leaders Sophia and Keenan we had a terrific night! 

We also had the opportunity last Sunday to host an amazing leadership retreat morning for the Sparc youth leaders, hosted by the Youth Mission Team in Sydney. It is through their example that they modelled to us how we too are called to liver out our apostleship with the youth!

Keep reading to find out what we have in store this week!


Sparc Youth (all high school)

Why Chat with God: A night with the saints! Get ready! Another epic night of awesome Sparc youth is in the works for next week! Join us next Friday November 13th at 6:30pm at St Charles Borromeo Parish Hall! Get ready to learn something new, jump into fun with friends, meet new people, have a great meal and so much more! Bookings are essential:

Set Alight (ages 18-40)

Join us next Sunday November 15th join us at 7pm at the St Charles Borromeo Hall for a night on: Made for love! With homemade pasta for dinner get ready for an unforgettable evening together! All ages 18-40 are welcome!

Ignite Youth (Years 4-6 primary)

More information coming soon!

Saint Quote of the Week
Our Sparc Leaders training session!

“I will go anywhere and so anything in order to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him.”
– St Francis Xavier Cabrini
