COVID-19 Update for Christmas Masses
Important information regarding Christmas Masses
In line with the updated COVID-19 restrictions released on Wednesday 23rd December, all Christmas Masses will still be going ahead. Indoor Masses are subject to the 4 square metre rule up to 300 people, and outdoor Masses have unlimited capacity subject to the 2 square metre rule.
This permits 100 people inside St Charles Church, 80 people inside Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, and 1200 people each at the grounds of St Charles Primary School and Holy Cross College.
All indoor Masses are now booked out (except the 10:45am Italian Mass on Christmas Day), however there is still availability at all outdoor Masses. Bookings are strongly recommended for all Masses, to make sign in easier and safer for all involved and to secure a spot on the day.
Indoor Masses
Spots inside the church will be given on a first-come, first-served basis for those who have already booked. Those with bookings will use the express lane to check in. After the churches have reached capacity, any overflow will be directed to alternative Parish buildings.
All those without bookings who arrive at indoor Masses will be directed to alternative buildings only, subject to availability, in the interest of fairness to those who have already booked in advance. Those without bookings will be required to use the QR Code or sign in sheets to check in before entering.
Outdoor Masses
Seating will still be set up for all outdoor Masses, however attendees are also encouraged to bring their own picnic blankets and chairs as their will be physically-distanced spaces allocated for this.
Those with bookings will use the express lane, and those without bookings will be required to use the QR code or sign in sheets to check in before entering.
Livestreamed Masses
If you are not attending a face-to-face Mass, our 7pm Christmas Eve Vigil and 12am Midnight Mass will be livestreamed on our YouTube, and available to watch afterwards at any time. To watch Mass, visit
Booking cancellations
If you are now no longer able to attend a Mass you booked for, please contact the Parish Office before 10am Thursday 24th December, so others can be booked in your place.
Face Masks, Singing & other COVID-19 restrictions
Face masks are strongly recommended at all Masses, singing is not permitted except by designated cantors and choir members, and all attendees are required to sign in on arrival, using the QR codes or manual sign in if you do not have a device.
Haven't booked for Mass?
For a full list of Mass times and locations, and to book your seat, please visit
Please note, the booking portal will close at 10am on Thursday 24th December.
Further information
For more information on the current COVID-19 restrictions, please visit the NSW Government website here:
For more information about the COVID-19 safety measures at Ryde-Gladesville, please visit
Wishing you all a very Merry and safe Christmas, and thank you for all your support throughout the Christmas season and this difficult year.
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