Fr Greg's Desk: 24th January

Hi everyone!

Well, most of us are now back from the Christmas break, and getting stuck into the work of the New Year that is well and truly started. There are lots of things happening over the next few weeks at the Parish, even apart from the return to school in less than two weeks time. 

Firstly, we have begun interviewing for the youth ministry roles for the Parish Youth Team this year, and are really pleased with the number of very eligible candidates who have applied for the positions. I also take this opportunity to thank Jemille West for her two years of service as Youth Ministry Coordinator, and wish her all the very best in her new work as Team Leader at the UTS Catholic Chaplaincy.

This weekend we will be having our second 'annual summer youth camp' up at Toukley, which has been completely booked out. Last year's camp was an amazing experience for everyone who participated in it, and we are expecting this year's to be even better. Big thank you to Jemille, Deacon Steve and the Youth Team for all the hard work being put into this. Please pray for the success of this year's camp!

The Alpha Course has been with us for the last year and a half at the Parish, and has made a wonderful impact on over a hundred parishioners so far, which has seen many positive flow on effects in the life of the Parish and in the our ministries. Our fourth Alpha course begins in two weeks time, and the Alpha Team leaders will be speaking to you next weekend at all the Masses and will be at the doors of the Churches before and after Masses this weekend to invite you to take part. Details are on our website, and you can register online for it as well.

The weekend afterwards, 6th to 7th February, is Catechist Sunday, in which we highlight the invaluable work of our catechists in bringing our faith to Catholic kids attending State schools in the area. We are always in need of more catechists due to the retirement each year of our older catechists. Could you help us out?

We would like to introduce a third reader at the Weekend Masses, to help with the Prayers of the Faithful, and be a backup if a rostered reader cannot make it due to unforeseen circumstances on the day. Please contact the Parish Office to register for this. We will be doing formation sessions for our readers this year in February.

Our first meeting of the existing members of the Parish Pastoral Council
is set for Wednesday 17th February. We will be seeking new members for the Parish Pastoral Council, particularly from persons already heavily involved in the pastoral works of the parish. My deep thanks to all who have held these positions over the past three years in which I have been the Parish Priest.

Happy Return to School for all our students, teachers and staff of our local schools. Perhaps the happiest of all will be the parents!

And that's about it for now.

Your brother, taking part in Christ's eternal service to his flock,
Fr. Greg
