From Fr Greg's Desk: 21st February

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the Season of Lent, a time for living in the happy hope of becoming better people, facilitated through the extra prayer, fasting and almsgiving that this particular season entails.

Lent is a privileged time for us to intensify the transformative process of the Holy Spirit within us, our “divinization" as the Christian mystics tells us. 

That well-known prayer to the Holy Spirit is especially helpful in this time of lent (and you might care to learn it if you don't know it 'off by heart', and invoke it frequently):

“Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be [re]created, and you shall renew the face of the earth.”

For our transformation into the people God created us to be will never be complete without the power of the Holy Spirit who “lead you to the complete truth" (John 16,13). Invoke this prayer frequently, accompanied by your own specific acts of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and you will surely see improvements in those specific areas you have identified that need to be bettered.

Let's make this Lent the best ever, both individually and as a Parish!

2021 Lent Initiative: Early Morning Masses during Lent at OLQP Church

During this time of lent, beginning next Tuesday 23rd February and until Tuesday 30th March, 2021 (Tuesday of Holy Week), I will be offering Mass at 6.30 am on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at OLQP Church.

The Mass will be about 25 minutes in length, so you can be on the road again at 7 am, either off to work, or home for breakfast, or whatever. This is a great way to start the day, and a helpful way to live the prayer, fasting and almsgiving associated with Lent.

For fasting is more than simply giving up a meal ... it is also about getting up a little earlier than usual for prayer. And almsgiving also entails giving your time to be with the Lord a little more. What better way to do that, than to catch a Mass a few times a week at a time everyone can be there? I look forward to seeing you there!

And that’s all there is for now. God bless, and don’t let up on your Lenten efforts and observances, for in time they will give the appropriate fruits in transformation of your hearts and lives.

Second Youth Minister at the Parish

We are pleased to present to you our second Youth Minister, Hannah Morson, who will work under the leadership of our Youth Ministry Coordinator, Deacon Steve Drum.

Hannah will be working particularly with our Ignite kids, whilst Olivia Eberhaut will be working especially with our SPARC teenagers.

You can find out more about Hannah in next week’s bulletin, but if you see her around when visiting the Office, be sure to say hello!

Your brother, in Christ’s transformative service,
Fr Greg

