Ministers Sign In Changes

Some changes have been made to the Ministry sign in process at Ryde-Gladesville. All ministers except for Acolytes and Clergy should now sign in via the sheets provided at the main sign-in desks at the entrances to the churches. 

All Readers, Communion Ministers, Altar Servers, Senior Servers, Musicians, Choir and AV Operators can sign in at the main desks with the COVID Marshals.

No ministers should be in the sacristy before Mass begins, aside from Acolytes and Altar/Senior servers. 

Altar Servers may wait quietly in the sacristy and be accompanied by 1 parent, but other family members are not permitted in the sacristy and should be seated in the body of the church. 

Please remember, all Ministers should be inside, checked in and seated at least 10 minutes before Mass begins, to assist with keeping the church reverent before Mass. 

Thank you for your assistance. 
