From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 30th May

Hi everyone!

Thank you Team RGCP! The main thing I want to say this week is a huge “thank you!” to all the people who worked so tirelessly over the last four weeks to make the necessary preparations for the Ordinations, Big Bash Luncheon and First Masses. Especially to our office staff ... they have worked so hard to get everything together.

Thank you, COVID marshals! Same goes for our COVID Marshalls ‘manning’ the doors of our churches, day in day out. I am profoundly grateful to all of you, for you have not only made it possible for us to keep our churches open, but also functioning silently, cleanly, safely and effectively. Great team work for the Risen Lord!

Thank you, Frs. Dan and Steve! By the time you read this, our intrepid brothers, Dan and Steve Drum, fmvd will already have become “freshly minted Catholic Priests”. And, yes, this is a big deal for all of us here at RGCP! How glad and grateful we all are to have two more Aussie Verbum Dei Missionary priests to help “carry the baton" forward and ensure the future of our missionary work at this Parish well into the future! Jesus himself said: ”The harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few. So pray to the owner of the harvest, that he send more workers out into his fields" (Luke 10,2) Looks like your prayers are being answered, even as you read this. So congrats, Fr. Dan and Fr. Steve!

Thank you, Nola and John Drum. A huge thank you as well to their parents, Nola and John Drum, who raised these two and ‘fed’ them their Catholic faith. We are also indebted to you, as we have had their ministry here in our Parish over the last three years as a result of your efforts. Please give John, Nola and extended family a big welcome once again to our Parish this weekend.

Upcoming Temora Visit. Frs. Dan and Steve will be away next weekend to celebrate “first masses" in their home town of Temora, in regional NSW. We wish them all the best in their first weeks of ministry, and we will be welcoming them back shortly afterwards for continued ministry at RGCP.

Confirmation Masses began this weekend. This weekend is the beginning of our Confirmation masses for our kids in Year 6 at both Catholic and state schools. A big thank you to Dominic Altakchy and the team for having organised all this event in the midst of the ‘Ordination activity spike’.

Delighted to hear of how excited our young friends are about receiving the Holy Spirit in such a big and significant way. Their confirmation marks their being ‘sealed with the Holy Spirit' with the gifts and graces that come with it. I look forward to seeing big things from all of you in the future!

Introducing Virginia Dignan to our Office Team. I would also like to introduce to you our recent addition to our office staff, Virginia Dignan, replacing Natasha who will soon be heading off to Tokyo for the Paralympic games as part of their administrative support (well done, Natasha!). I know you will all make Virginia very welcome...

Tuesday School of the Word. Don’t forget that every Tuesday night we have the School of the Word at SCB Church, where you can learn to pray with the scriptures and let the Holy Spirit guide you on your own journey through life. Starts at 7.30 pm next Tuesday night and every one thereafter!

And that’s about it for now!

Your brother, in this invaluable work of building God’s Kingdom on earth,

Fr. Greg
