COVID-19 Update: Lockdown extended

As of Wednesday 28th July, the Greater Sydney lockdown has been extended for a further 4 weeks until Friday 28th August. This affects places of worship, meaning the churches of St Charles Borromeo Ryde, and Our Lady Queen of Peace Gladesville, as well as Parish buildings, remain closed.

Face-to-face Masses and events are still postponed and not running during this time. However, Mass is still being livestreamed Tuesday to Sunday every week on our Parish YouTube channel, and many of our Parish events have continued online. 

The Parish Office is currently closed to visitors, however staff are still available for you to contact via phone and email during business hours. 

For more information about the latest COVID-19 restrictions, please make sure you visit

Please stay safe during this time, and let us pray for the easing of cases so that we can resume gathering together as a Parish family again as soon as possible. 
