COVID Update for Ryde-Gladesville

As of Wednesday 7th July, the lockdown restrictions for Greater Sydney have been extended for 1 week until at least Friday 16th July 2021

These restrictions continue to affect Ryde-Gladesville Catholic Parish. For the duration of the lockdown, the churches of St Charles Borromeo at Ryde, Our Lady Queen of Peace at Gladesville, as well as Parish buildings, will remain closed. Face-to-face Masses will not be on this weekend.

Masses are still being livestreamed via the Parish YouTube channel and the Parish Office is closed to the public but available to contact via phone and email during business hours.

You can find the full COVID Update for Ryde-Gladesville Catholic Parish below. The latest restrictions will always be available on the home page of the Parish website.

From 7th July 2021:

  • St Charles Borromeo and Our Lady Queen of Peace churches are closed. St Charles church is not open for adoration and private prayer.
  • Face-to-face Masses and parish events are currently suspended for the duration of the lockdown. Certain Parish events such as Alpha and School of the Word are continuing in online formats.
  • The Parish Office is closed to visitors, however is still available to contact via phone and email during regular business hours.
  • Masses are being livestreamed on the Parish YouTube channel. Masses are livestreamed Tuesday to Friday at 9:20am, Saturday at 9am and 6pm, and Sunday at 10am, and can also be watched later at your convenience
  • Funerals may still go ahead, however capacity is limited to 100 people and the 4 square metre rule. This permits 100 people at funerals at both SCB and OLQP. Please contact the Parish Office via phone to arrange a funeral.
  • Weddings are not being held during this time. If your wedding arrangements are affected by the lockdown restrictions, please contact the Parish Office or the Weddings team.
  • Baptisms are not being held during this time. If your child's baptism is affected by the lockdown restrictions, please contact the Parish Office or the Sacramental Coordinator.
  • The RGCP Buddy System is in operation again. If you know an elderly, isolated or vulnerable parishioner who could benefit from having bulletins delivered to them or receiving a weekly friendly phone call, please contact the Parish Office with their details. If you would like to join our team and volunteer 1 hour of your time on weekends to deliver bulletins to parishioners, or provide a phone call during the week, please also contact the Parish Office.
  • Important updates about the COVID-19 situation will be sent out via the Parish blog email list. If you would like to stay updated with the implications of restrictions for our Parish, please subscribe to our mailing list.

You can find the latest COVID-19 information for NSW, including news and updates, case locations and health advice, on the NSW Health website
