Letter from Fr John Alt

Dear Greg and the People of God in the Ryde Gladesville Parish,

I thank you for the wonderful tribute you paid to me on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee.

I thank my Parents and family, The Priests, Marist Brothers and the Sisters of St. Joseph and other teachers who helped in the preparation for the Ordination.

I mention especially The late Bishop Bede Heather who introduced us to the Bible in our first year in the Seminary, and inspired us in many ways for more than 65 years since.

The Bible Readings last Sunday Illustrate it so well – We were called from unexpected backgrounds like the Prophet Amos, we experienced many Blessings as promised in the second Reading from St. Paul and like the Apostles in the Gospel sent to preach the Love and Mercy of God.

Like the people in all the other Parishes I have served in, you have all been part of that Sacred Story of my Priestly life.

Many thanks and May God Bless you all.

By the time you read this, I may be living the rest of my life in this Parish.

Let us Pray for one another.
