From Fr Greg's Desk: Midweek edition!

Hi everyone!

We just got this communication from the Vicar General of the Archdiocese, advising of how we are going to deal with the recent changes announced by the Premier in relation to the easing of Covid restrictions.

His email summarises the key changes and the approach we are likely to take in Sydney Archdiocese, however, he stresses that further updates will most likely be needed in coming weeks, since not everything is clear as yet.

Here is the content of the communication made to us by the Vicar General, written in italics. [My notes have been inserted in square parentheses and with normal print]

Firstly, along with other Faith Groups, we are very grateful that, in her COVID Roadmap announcement, the Premier recognised that for people of faith worship is more like an essential service than a recreation. We now eagerly look forward to the opportunity to gather once more to celebrate our faith and give thanks to God. The re-opening of places of worship will be staged in line with the NSW Government Roadmap. These are the details as we presently understand them.


The first stage commences when 70% of eligible people are fully vaccinated – this is expected to be 11 October. Even though we would be entitled on this date to open churches to the vaccinated only, following his recent consultation with [the priests of the Archdiocese], the Archbishop has decided that we will patiently wait the estimated two further weeks until we reach 80% fully vaccinated before re-opening our churches to the public, and conducting public Masses etc.

However, during this first stage, priests who are themselves fully vaccinated will be free under the public health orders to invite some fully vaccinated parishioners to ceremonies such as Baptisms for families that are fully vaccinated (apart from children not yet eligible for vaccination) at which the people should still wear masks and maintain social distancing...


At 80% fully vaccinated we will open our churches and ceremonies to “mixed” congregations (fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated and as yet unvaccinated); the 4 sqm rule will apply, and masks must be worn indoors. We will not be required to check a person’s vaccination status. We continue to urge everyone to be vaccinated, and so to reduce their risk of serious illness or even death. We will do all that is reasonably possible to keep safe everyone who comes to church... there will be good ventilation [meaning we may open some windows in our Churches as well as use the air-conditioning which takes fresh air directly from outside the church - Fr. Greg], the same time as social distancing, hand sanitising, no congregational singing, etc. 

People who are especially vulnerable, who are vaccinated but anxious about mixing with the unvaccinated, or who are unvaccinated and do not want to risk contact with others, are free to remain at home and live-streaming of Masses from the cathedral and some parishes will continue. Although congregational singing is not permitted, we presume that a cantor or two will be allowed as before. 

We believe that in terms of legal liability, our compliance with the public health orders will mean that we have taken all reasonable steps to protect those who choose to gather in our churches.


The Government has advised that from 1 December there will be no difference between the Covid safety requirements for all NSW citizens, whether fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated or unvaccinated. The key requirement for churches will be the 2sqm rule at all indoor religious gatherings, including weddings and funerals. There will be no limit on the numbers at outdoor events, and so outdoor Masses will be an option. [This will most likely mean that most of our Christmas Masses will also be outdoors - Fr. Greg] Covid Safe plans will be required for outdoor events with more than 1,000 people. At weddings, dancing will be permitted, as well as eating and drinking while standing up.

Masks will not be required inside a church (though some people may wish to wear a mask for added protection).

... It is likely that further details and clarifications of this new normal will be developed in due course, and there may be some differences in different parts of NSW. We will advise you of any changes as they are made.

I hope that this will help to clarify the way forward for us to open up our Churches. Again, the date of opening of our Churches in the Sydney Archdiocese will be when 80% Vaccination rates are achieved in NSW and we will be free to open to both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. We openly encourage as many of our parishioners as possible to get vaccinated, unless health or other reasons exist for them not to get vaccinated.

That's about it for now. Our regular 'pastoral visits' to parishioners by our priests will continue until such a time as the NSW Government announces specific opening dates for 'places of worship'.

God bless, and please, keep looking out for the needs of those around you!

Your brother in Christ's service,
Fr. Greg
