From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 17th October


Hi Everyone!

The Big News is we are Reopening SCB and OLQP Churches from Tuesday 19th October onwards
As most of you are aware, the NSW Government has announced that the 80% level of double vaccinations should be reached sometime on Saturday.

As a result, Churches and 'Places of Worship' will be permitted to open from Monday 18th October. As we need to do a lot of deep cleaning to the Churches beforehand, we will open our churches for the regular twice weekly Mass at OLQP at 6.30 am on Tuesday 19th, and the regular 9.20 am mass at SCB (Tuesday to Friday) and 9 am on Saturdays. We look forward to having you back with us at our regular weekend Masses at OLQP (Sat 5 pm and Sunday 9am) and at SCB (Sat 6 pm, Sun 8 am, 10 am, and 6 pm).The following NSW Government COVID restrictions will still apply until we collectively reach the 90% Vaccination level (which is likely to be reached some time around the end of November):

Maximum number of attendees (including church workers and children): SCB 100 persons, OLQP 80 persons (in accordance with the '4 sqm rule') No booking system will be used at either SCB or OLQP church. Places inside the churches will be allocated on a 'first come first served' basis. Please note that the doors to the Churches will close once the established density limits are reached as per normal COVID operation. QR Codes will be available for parishioners at the entrance to the Church and computers to record attendees for those who have no QR devices.

Masks must be worn indoors. No masks are required in outdoor settings. Others can attend outside the Church (limited only by the '2 sqm rule'.) where some external seating will be available. Televisions will be set up outside SCB Church at the 10 am Sunday Mass only. Live streaming will continue to be available at the 10 am SCB Mass, and all weekday services. Speakers will be set up for overflows at SCB Church for other masses, funerals and weddings as required.

Church Cleaning Volunteers. We are going to need a few more people on Monday to help with getting out Churches in pristine condition. If you can help, please email Judy on to let her know of your availability.

Our Lady's Kitchen News

Thanks to all the volunteers who have come forward to deliver the freshly cooked food to our local recipients. We still need volunteers, however, to drive over to the St. Merkorious site and the Gift of Bread warehouse on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunchtime. This round trip should take no more than an hour or an hour and a half. To pick up the food you need nothing more than a driver's licence, a filled out RGCP Volunteer's Form, and a bit of time. Please contact the Parish Office on 9807 2966 and advise of availability.

Note: the Parish Office will be closed Monday 18th October to permit us to get everything in order for the Churches to reopen on Tuesday. We apologise for any inconveniences caused.

Concrete Laying Work at SCB Church

Due to the extended rain over the last week, and the bringing forward of the opening of the Church at SCB, the concreting work adjacent to the Church and for the driveway has not yet been completed. Hopefully most of the concreting work will be completed by next weekend. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause over the next week.

And that's about it for now.

Your brother, in Christ's service,

Fr. Greg
