Notes for returning to Masses

With Masses back this week, please make sure you are aware of the current restrictions for visiting places of worship. 

Places of worship are still limited to the 4 square metre rule at this time, allowing 100 people inside SCB church and 80 people inside OLQP. Bookings are no longer required for any Masses, so please make sure you arrive early if you wish to sit indoors. Outdoor seating will be available for any overflow. 

Masks are mandatory inside. If you wish to sit indoors, please make sure you bring a mask along with you this weekend.
QR Code Check In or manual sign in is still mandatory at this time. This also applies to any outdoor overflow.

As we are currently at 80% full vaccination, all are permitted to enter our churches, regardless of vaccination status. You will not have to show your vaccination status at the door of the church. 

Please ensure you also maintain physical distancing, hygiene and health and safety measures at this time. Health regulations are still in place, so please remember to be considerate of the health and safety of yourself and others.

You can find more information about the restrictions on our website.

We thank you for your patience and understanding, and we can't wait to see you all back at Mass this weekend!
