Q2 Ministry Sign Ups now open

The sign up forms for Readers, AV Operators, Camera Operators and Weekday Ministries in February, March and April 2022 are now open, and can be found in your inbox, below or on the Rosters website. 

The Easter 2022 Roster sign ups will be sent out at a later date. 

Please complete the sign up forms by next Friday 21st January 2022. Any forms submitted after this time will only have their preferences added to the roster where there are vacancies.

You can find the sign up forms here:

: https://forms.gle/DtqnmM4iudq52NPp9

Altar Servers: https://forms.gle/6Qd6ApY9eyL8eTUSA

AV Operators: https://forms.gle/RSKQ5YgtWzAxpqaT6

Camera Operators: https://forms.gle/ETqy8NeckG1iziMd9

Weekday Ministry (Readers, Acolyte, Camera): https://forms.gle/mVe2mRLvXShWSwUd9

While we did hope to reinstate our Communion Ministers this year, due to the small numbers attending our Masses and the large numbers of cases in the wider community, in the interest of the health and safety of Ministers and our parish, Communion Ministers will be on hold for the meantime. We look forward to welcoming you back as Ministers when the COVID situation improves and our Masses are once again increasing in size.

In the meantime, if you'd like to try out a different Ministry like Reading, AV Operating or Camera Operating, please contact the Parish Office for more information. We can let you know of any upcoming Formation Sessions or pair you with one of our more experienced Ministers who can show you the ropes.

For any concerns about 2022 Rosters, please contact the Parish Office at office@rgcp.org.au or on 9807 2966. 
