From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 8th May
Hi everyone!
Happy Mother's Day!
First of all, I want to convey a very big "Thank you!" to all our Mothers and Grandmothers for your Christian vocation to motherhood, one which has enriched the Catholic Church ever since its inception at Pentecost. At all of our Masses this weekend we will once again be seeing those whom the Holy Spirit is going to choose as our "Mothers of the Year" this year! So, make sure you get your Mums and grandma's along to our Masses, as the Holy Spirit can only choose from those who present themselves on the day!!
Well, as usual, there are lots and lots of things happening in and around our Parish. Here's a few of them:
Happy Mother's Day!
First of all, I want to convey a very big "Thank you!" to all our Mothers and Grandmothers for your Christian vocation to motherhood, one which has enriched the Catholic Church ever since its inception at Pentecost. At all of our Masses this weekend we will once again be seeing those whom the Holy Spirit is going to choose as our "Mothers of the Year" this year! So, make sure you get your Mums and grandma's along to our Masses, as the Holy Spirit can only choose from those who present themselves on the day!!
Mother's Day Memorial Mass at Field of Mars Cemetery - Sat 7th May
I'd like to also thank the friendly staff at Northern Cemeteries for making an exception for us this year for us to celebrate our usual Mother's Day Memorial Mass there at 10.30 am this Saturday 7th May. They tell me that this is the only one of all their cemeteries in which such a service is going ahead this year - albeit at our insistence! Hope to see many of you there this weekend. It is a very fitting way to remember our Mums who have passed away, especially those that are buried within the confines of Field of Mars Cemetery.
Adult Formation Nights with Fr. Dan - Wed 11th, 18th and 25th May 7.30 pm
Fr. Dan will be presenting a series of formation sessions over the next three weeks. The three are as follows: Wed 11th May: "The Sacraments", Wed 18th May: "The Mass", and Wed 25th May: "Heaven, Hell, Purgatory & The Saints" (see insert on page 3). I am sure you will find them very informative! Coffee and tea are provided free of charge from 7.15 pm onwards. So come along - and bring your questions along with you!
Parish Fundraising Event - Trivia Night - Sat 14th May
Next Saturday we have a major social and fundraising event for the Parish. It is our Trivia Night, and the proceeds of this will help fund the renovations needed to our Parish Installations downstairs so that they can be used for our "Youth Hub" (see insert on page 3). As you know, our Youth Groups have grown substantially over the last year, and we need places to house them. This is a wonderful initiative, so please support it.
Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall - Sat May 21st
This year the P & F at SCB Primary School will be hosting an 'Election Day Sausage Sizzle" and we have been invited to help out, either by manning the BBQ and Stall or by offering homemade cakes and other baked goods for sale at the stall. Please contact the Parish Office to let us know if you can help us out. It is another good fundraiser for the School and the Parish, so please support them as best as you can.
Donation of Toiletries, Hand Knitted beanies and scarves, and canned or packaged groceries for Our Lady's Kitchen Parish Outreach
We will be placing baskets at the doors of our Churches over the next three weekends to collect gifts of food, knitting and toiletries for homeless and disadvantaged people whom our newly formed Parish based "Our Lady's Kitchen" is currently helping. In partnership with the St. Merkorious Charity, and our own St Vinnies at Gladesville, we will be ensuring that all these goods will be distributed to needy people. Please remember them at your next shopping visit and buy a few more on behalf of the poor we collectively support!
Noah's Ark Cafe
Our friends Dominic and Jessica Herring are very happy to welcome you to "Noah's Ark Cafe", which is our onsite cafe, breakfast and lunch van. It is open Tuesday to Friday and Sunday from about 7 am to 4 pm, so please, please help them to make this little venture a success, as it is a very worthwhile part of our Parish's pastoral plan. Check out their coffees, which are really good, and their menus. You might even have the good fortune of meeting little Noah, who is the inspiration for the venture as he often makes surprise visits!
Whew!! And that's about it for now. Have a beautiful week!
Your brother, in Christ's tireless missionary service,
Fr. Greg
I'd like to also thank the friendly staff at Northern Cemeteries for making an exception for us this year for us to celebrate our usual Mother's Day Memorial Mass there at 10.30 am this Saturday 7th May. They tell me that this is the only one of all their cemeteries in which such a service is going ahead this year - albeit at our insistence! Hope to see many of you there this weekend. It is a very fitting way to remember our Mums who have passed away, especially those that are buried within the confines of Field of Mars Cemetery.
Adult Formation Nights with Fr. Dan - Wed 11th, 18th and 25th May 7.30 pm
Fr. Dan will be presenting a series of formation sessions over the next three weeks. The three are as follows: Wed 11th May: "The Sacraments", Wed 18th May: "The Mass", and Wed 25th May: "Heaven, Hell, Purgatory & The Saints" (see insert on page 3). I am sure you will find them very informative! Coffee and tea are provided free of charge from 7.15 pm onwards. So come along - and bring your questions along with you!
Parish Fundraising Event - Trivia Night - Sat 14th May
Next Saturday we have a major social and fundraising event for the Parish. It is our Trivia Night, and the proceeds of this will help fund the renovations needed to our Parish Installations downstairs so that they can be used for our "Youth Hub" (see insert on page 3). As you know, our Youth Groups have grown substantially over the last year, and we need places to house them. This is a wonderful initiative, so please support it.
Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall - Sat May 21st
This year the P & F at SCB Primary School will be hosting an 'Election Day Sausage Sizzle" and we have been invited to help out, either by manning the BBQ and Stall or by offering homemade cakes and other baked goods for sale at the stall. Please contact the Parish Office to let us know if you can help us out. It is another good fundraiser for the School and the Parish, so please support them as best as you can.
Donation of Toiletries, Hand Knitted beanies and scarves, and canned or packaged groceries for Our Lady's Kitchen Parish Outreach
We will be placing baskets at the doors of our Churches over the next three weekends to collect gifts of food, knitting and toiletries for homeless and disadvantaged people whom our newly formed Parish based "Our Lady's Kitchen" is currently helping. In partnership with the St. Merkorious Charity, and our own St Vinnies at Gladesville, we will be ensuring that all these goods will be distributed to needy people. Please remember them at your next shopping visit and buy a few more on behalf of the poor we collectively support!
Noah's Ark Cafe
Our friends Dominic and Jessica Herring are very happy to welcome you to "Noah's Ark Cafe", which is our onsite cafe, breakfast and lunch van. It is open Tuesday to Friday and Sunday from about 7 am to 4 pm, so please, please help them to make this little venture a success, as it is a very worthwhile part of our Parish's pastoral plan. Check out their coffees, which are really good, and their menus. You might even have the good fortune of meeting little Noah, who is the inspiration for the venture as he often makes surprise visits!
Whew!! And that's about it for now. Have a beautiful week!
Your brother, in Christ's tireless missionary service,
Fr. Greg
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