From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 19th June

Hi everyone!

"Let's Build a Vinnies Van" Update - $65K so far!!
I have some great news! We have now raised over $65k towards buying, fitting out and situating a local 'Vinnies Van' to service the needy in areas closer to home. I am eternally grateful to all those who have donated this past week, in addition to those who did so the week before! We just need another $25k to reach the final total, so please, make the most of the 100% tax deductibility before the end of this financial year, and help us help the poor and needy in our area with this wonderful outreach project of the Parish!

Final Confirmation Masses this Sunday
This Sunday we'll have the last two of our five Confirmation Masses for the year (12pm OLQP and 3pm SCB). Please pray for our young friends as they pass this important milestone in their own spiritual journey throughout life. I look forward to seeing them there and then, as well as in our future weekend Masses. We are soooo grateful to our Sacramental Coordinator, Dominic Altakchy, and the teachers of SCB and OLQP primary schools, for their help in preparing our young people along the way. We are also indebted to the Lazos de Amor Mariano group for helping out as wardens and ushers at each of the five Masses. Truly a wonderful community effort all round!

"Walk With Christ" Eucharistic Procession - Corpus Christi this Sunday June 19th from 2.30 pm
Just a reminder that this Sunday the Archdiocese will be holding their annual Walk with Christ Eucharistic Procession through the streets of Sydney and our Parish plans to field a group behind a large banner we've made for the event! You can either meet together at our Pott Street Carpark at 12:45 pm to catch a bus into the city, or meet up later on in Martin Place near Pitt St. (look out for our new Parish banner - see below). The procession will begin from the corner of Martin Place and Pitt Street and, accompanied by music, prayers, the rosary, etc., will leave for St. Mary’s Cathedral at 2.30 pm and finish with a short liturgy of Eucharistic Adoration led by our own Archbishop Anthony Fisher (there is entertainment at Martin Place from 1:30 pm onwards). As this event has been cancelled two years in a row due to COVID, please make sure you don't miss it this year! All we ask is that you not park in our Charles Street car park, as we will need this area for the Confirmation Mass at 3 pm that day.

And that's about it for now!

Your brother, in Christ's missionary service,

Fr. Greg
