From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 5th March 2023

Hi everyone!

Wonderful Response to 'Vinnies Van' Info/Registration Night
What an amazing turnout last Wednesday evening!! Just under 70 people came along (see photo below) to hear a gripping talk given by Josie Charbel, NSW Regional Coordinator of Vinnies Van Services. She spoke to us not only about the practicalities of running this service, but also of its effective reach and long-lasting impact on the lives of thousands of people living on the fringe of our society. As one Parishioner quipped: "Fr. Greg, that woman's on fire!" We look forward to the arrival of the vans mid year, as we now begin the online training and organise the runs. More about that in future bulletins. Huge 'thank you' to you, Josie, for such an inspirational and edifying evening!
Parish Financials Explained Briefly at all Parish Masses this Weekend
Our Parish Finance Committee (PFC) meets four times a year to study the quarterly financial reports of the Parish and make timely and professional recommendations for the administration of the Parish. This weekend you will be gifted with a brief presentation from three of our PFC members - Paul Conahan, Caroline Tuyau and Sara Abate - to inform you about where our funding comes from and where it goes. I am especially indebted to Paul Conahan, who has chaired the PFC for many years and is stepping down this year. I welcome Parishioners with a background in finance to make yourselves known to me, if you would wish to form part of this important committee of the Parish. Thank you, Paul!

Rite of Election of our "RCIA'ers" at St. Mary's Cathedral Last Sunday
I was very pleased to accompany our intrepid "RCIA'ers" to the Cathedral last Sunday for the 'Rite of Election' with Bishop Danny Meagher (see photo below). It was a very joyful occasion and the Cathedral was filled with Candidates, Catechumens and their sponsors.

The line up of them presenting themselves to Bishop Danny seemed without end. We look forward to receiving all eight of them into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Saturday Vigil at SCB. Please keep them all in your prayers.

New Alpha Course Begins Next Monday 6th March
Final reminder this weekend that our next Alpha Course begins on Monday. This is a really great 'Introduction to Christ" and his mission in the world, and a great way to reconnect people with their faith. It is especially appropriate for people who no longer attend Church, or have suffered some sort of adversity in life and found it hard to integrate it with their faith in Jesus. Invite someone along next Monday and accompany them there. Don't be surprised if you wind up learning more about your faith than the people you invited do! See the info box on page 7 for more information.

Project Compassion Boxes are in the Church Foyers

Don't forget to take your Project Compassion boxes and envelopes home with you, and start putting something away each week for this very worthy Catholic Charity of ours. This year the focus is on helping the people of Nepal. You can bring the envelopes each week and place them in the collection pouches handed around during the Mass and they will be accumulated towards the final result. Thanks in advance for generously supporting our Project Compassion appeal this year.

And that's about it for now! God bless!

Your brother in Christ,

Fr. Greg
