From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 11th June 2023

Hi everyone!
"Walk for Christ" Corpus Christi Procession This Sunday 10th
We've had a magnificent response from parishioners to the Corpus Christi "Walk With Christ" Procession this Sunday through the streets of our Sydney CBD! Every bus seat on our chartered bus has been filled with some 55 participants, which looks to be a wonderful turnout (our biggest group yet). Of course, you can still come along via other means, with plenty of scheduled bus services to the City and ample parking available at the Domain (at just $13 booked online beforehand). We will meet at Martin Place under the Parish banner for a 2.30 pm start.As previously advised, the walk will begin at Martin Place and wind its way through the streets of the CBD towards the forecourt of St. Mary's Cathedral, at which point the Archbishop will address us followed by Adoration and then a Benediction. Light entertainment will begin at 1.30 pm, for those who get there a bit earlier. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to 'Be Parish' and 'Be Church". I hope to see as many of you as possible there!!

Vinnies van Progress Note
We have just received confirmation that the two Vinnies Vans we "built" have arrived on our shores and are presently in the process of being 'fitted out' and 'wrapped' in the Vinnies logo. Our own Parish Logo will also be placed in a prominent position on the exterior of both Vans. Vinnies is currently receiving applicants to be part of the service and looking for Corporate sponsors for the running and operation of the service as well. Please contact the Parish Office to be part of the service. More about this in next week's Bulletin.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (or RCIC)
It sometimes happens that, due to moving house or schools, that some children 'fall through the sacramental cracks' and may have missed out on receiving Baptism, First Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. We already have annual formation programmes for First Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, and we happily slot in children who have not yet received these two sacraments at our usual mid year (for confirmation) and end of year (for First Holy Eucharist) Masses.

For children who have not yet been baptised, but have already begun school, it is best that they have some formation adapted to their age to prepare them for Baptism, before slotting into the other two sacramental programmes at their usual times. For this purpose, we have what is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Children or “RCIC'. (The RCIA is for Adults, the RCIC for young children of primary school age).

Our sacramental Coordinator Aaran, will be hosting this programme over three evening sessions in June/July (see opposite page for more details. I urge everyone who knows of a family who may have young children who have not yet been baptised, to invite them to get in contact with Aaran for further information about this service.

Audio Visual Operators needed for Sunday Masses at both SCB and OLQP
We have been experiencing a number of vacancies for helpers to change the slides we put up on the overhead screens at weekend masses with the words of the responses and hymns being sung. This is an essential service at our parish, and one that is appreciated by all who attend, but very few have volunteered of late and we have lost some volunteers due to health issues. Could you please help us out? It is very easy to learn, and all it needs is for you to be 'on the ball' so as to change the slide a few seconds before the next words are to be said. Please contact us at the Parish Office for more info.

And that's about it for now. God bless!

Fr. Greg
