From fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 25th February, 2024

Hi everyone!
Opening Mass for Centenary Celebrations at OLQP Catholic Church
Next Sunday 3rd Mar 2024 at 9 am
Next year, on the 1st of March, we will reach the impressive milestone of 100 years since the Foundation Stone was laid for OLQP Church Gladesville.

Hence I have but one item for my column this week, and that is to warmly invite as many of you as possible to 'fill OLQP Church unto the fullest", (paraphrasing the old hymn we used to sing when I was young) for our Opening Mass of the Centenary Year at OLQP at our regular 9 am Mass (3rd March 2024)

Our local Auxiliary Bishop for Sydney, Bishop Danny Meagher, DD will be presiding, who is also a past Pastor at OLQP Church in prior years.

We will be having a morning tea afterwards and would like to invite any past Parishioners who might have moved away from the Parish over the years to come back for the celebration and catch up on old acquaintances as well.

We'd like to also give prior notice that Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP DD, Archbishop of Sydney, will be presiding at the Centenary celebrations next year on the 9th of March 2025.

And that's about it for now.

Fr Greg
