From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 28th April, 2024

Hi everyone!
Anzac Day Services
It was lovely to see quite a few of your faces at the Cenotaph at both Ryde X, and at Anzac Park West Ryde last Thursday for the Anzac Day services. I understand there were also quite a few at the 9.20 Memorial Mass at SCB as well. It is good to remember our deceased loved ones who fought for our freedom and gave their lives for us. It is also good to emulate that courage and determination in our daily lives as well. Yep ... Lest we forget.

Mother’s Day Coming up soon (Sun 12th May)
Speaking of courage and determination, we have our annual Mother’s Day Masses coming up on the weekend of the 12th of May. Remember ... all the Mums, Grandma's and Great-Grandmas (yeah I know ... all Grandmas are great!) will be getting a ticket before entering the Churches so that the Holy Spirit may determine our yearly ‘Mother of the Year’ award at all our Sunday Masses. Please invite as many as you can to come along, and we can have a special blessing for them all.

Alpha Course Launch Night Thurs 9th May 7 - 9 pm
Once again, as explained in all our weekend Masses (SCB last week, OLQP this weekend) our intrepid Alpha Team will be beginning a new Alpha Course, which is especially designed for people who are searching for something more in their life, or curious about their faith or about Jesus. The course is highly engaging, with some excellent videos, good food and an opportunity to delve into these things a bit more.

Can you think of some family member, friend or acquaintance that might benefit from this? For more info, call Pat (0406 288 944) or Pina (0432 682 239) and talk to them about the person in mind, and how you might approach them to invite them to come along. Better still, why don't you accompany them on the night?

Next 'Didasko' - Adult Faith Formation Nights starts 9th May 7.30 - 8.45 pm
The same night Alpha begins, the next segment of Adult Formation (in moral theology this time) is happening with the title: "God, the Good, and the Meaning of Life". This will be done in the Gell Room downstairs, via video link to Notre Dame University. Christian Stephens is the presenter.

Please RSVP the Office in order for us to cater for you.

And that's about it for now. God bless you all!

Fr. Greg
