From Fr Greg's Desk: Sunday 20th October, 2024

Hi everyone!

Thanks for the 60th Birthday Celebrations and Greetings
I was very touched by my sort-of-surprise '60th birthday dinner' at Holy Cross College last Saturday evening. It was the perfect setting, being at our own Holy Cross College Hall, and with family, friends and parishioners. To all of you who helped organise it, a big heartfelt note of thanks, especially to the three main organisers - Judy Raumer, Catrina Stramandinoli, and Caroline Tuyau - who did it all without me knowing much at all - along with our resident 'DJ' Anthony Samson, and Phil Stewart kindly offering Holy Cross College as the venue. Big thanks as well to Br. Aengus Kavanagh; my brother Peter Morgan; Anthony Herro (a close mate since UNSW days), with their words of support, and Fr. Dan, who did a magnificent job at both 'MCing' the night and his own little speech. It was a lot of fun, and we raised just over $3000 for charity, a 'pet project' of mine to rebuild the retreat house I used to live in Cebu (the Philippines) and which was destroyed in a recent typhoon.

Thanks as well for the many cards and greetings received on the weekend, particularly at the celebrations after the 10 am Family Mass at SCB, and all the work and creative effort that some of our kids put into their cards and messages. I even got my own customised pair of 'sunglasses' from one of our junior parishioners - (thanks for that Charlotte) - so it was a pretty special day!

Upcoming Parish Feast Day Sunday 3rd November
As mentioned in last week's bulletin, our next Parish Feast Day will be on Sunday 3rd November, in the grounds of St Charles Primary School after the 10 am Mass. The 'Trybooking' page is now open for you to register your interest in coming, so that we get an idea of numbers for catering purposes ( We have secured some talent from our local schools and colleges to entertain us on the day, while we demolish Aussie BBQ style hamburgers, sausages and rolls, with drinks and gelato available on the day. Or you could bring your own picnic hamper, picnic blanket and chairs and just enjoy the company and the fun. Kiddies Castles and games will also be provided. We still need more drinks and non-refrigerable desserts, so please let us know ASAP what you might be able to provide.

Annual Memorial Mass at Field of Mars Cemetery Saturday 2nd November 2024
Once again I will be celebrating our Annual Memorial Mass at Field of Mars Cemetery for the Feast of All Souls, Sat 2 Nov, 10.30 am, which this year falls on the feast day itself. Northern Cemeteries have kindly offered to give us a marquee and chairs, and sponsored a morning tea (which we will provide) so it will be sheltered and welcoming at the same time.

And that's about it for now. And whilst we are pleased with the rains of late, as the grass needed them, we hope they will be absent on the 3rd of November!!

Fr. Greg
