Christmas Volunteers Required

 A great number of volunteers are needed for our 2024 Christmas Eve & Christmas

 Day Masses to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Our Parish will have 8 Masses 4 at both St Charles Borromeo & Our Lady Queen of Peace.

We are kindly asking if in some small way you could help
  • to set up and take down before & after Mass,
  • Parking Warden helping at SCB 
  • Head Warden, overseeing the volunteers.
  • Welcoming 
  • Ushering people to find a seat,
  • Taking up the 2 Collections
  • 1st Aid person
  • Letterbox drop Christmas Mass cards 

If you would like to give one Mass to volunteering and attend another Mass 

Please use this link
 to complete the form.

Alternatively you can contact the Parish Office on 9807 2966 or to have a form
 sent to you or email us your Volunteer preferances.

We look forward to hearing from you
