
Showing posts from March, 2020

From Fr Greg's Pew: 30th March

New rules for visiting the Parish Office

Buddy System - Information in Italian

Read The Catholic Weekly newspaper online for free

How to donate to our Parish

Fr Daniele's Daily Homily: 29th March

From Fr Greg's Pew: 29th March

Update: Masses to be live streamed

Children's Liturgy Resource: Sunday 29th March

Fr Daniele's Daily Homily: 27th March

Pray for the World with Pope Francis

A Guide to Spiritual Communion

Youth Update: we're going online!

From Fr Greg's Pew: 26 March

Fr Daniele's Daily Homily: 26th March

Stations of the Cross with Fr Mark Toups

Catholic Weekly excerpt: Sadness and hope as churches close

Join Pope Francis in prayer on March 25th

UPDATE: Masses to be held outdoors on church grounds

From Fr Greg's Desk: COVID-19

COVID-19 Updates for Ryde-Gladesville

What have the Youth been up to?

The 2020 Liturgy Conference

COVID-19 Safety Precautions for Relics Visit

Youth Update: What have we been up to?

Men's Breakfast


Alpha Week 4 - How can I have faith?

Br Dan - Big Hugs from Madrid