
Showing posts from May, 2020

From Fr Greg's Seat: COVID-19 Update

Pentecost Digital Retreat

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy & Lego Competition

Join Tonight's School of the Word

From Fr Greg's Pew

All Night Pentecost Vigil

The Solemnity of Our Lady Help of Christians: May 25th

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 24th May

School of the Word Update

Communion available after all Masses

'Every person counts': SMH Interview with Fr Greg

COVID-19 Update for Ryde Gladesville

Green Fingers Club

Pray the Rosary

Celebrating our Jubilarians

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 17th May

A very special Mother's Day

Fr Daniele's Daily Homily - Sunday 10th May

From Fr Greg's Pew: 10th May

Introducing our Parish Team

Children's Liturgy: 10th May

Youth Update

Free, online Theology of the Body Conference

Archbishop's Rosary Relay

School of the Word- Tuesday 5th May

From Fr Greg's Seat: The Garden Update

Mother's Day Initiative

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 3rd May