
Showing posts from July, 2020

From Fr Greg's Pew: 2nd August

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 2nd August

Live from Spain: Join Br Dan for Thursday Night Live!

Mass Availabilities this weekend

From Fr Greg's Seat: 26th July

Congratulations to Deacon Steve Drum

Feast of Our Lady of Terzito

Alpha begins!

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 26th July

From Fr Greg's Desk : 19th July

Congratulations Mgr. Kerry Bayada

Important Info for Br Steve's Ordination to the Diaconate

Alpha - Starts this week!

Youth Update

Children's Liturgy: 19th July

Mass Availabilities 11th & 12th July

Children's Liturgy: 12th July

A message from Fr Daniele and Fr Alfredo

Ordination of Br Steve to the Diaconate

Youth Update: What have we been up to?

Spiritually Transformed through Alpha

Mass Bookings for the weekend 11th and 12th July

Planned Giving Envelopes & Tax Receipts

Join Us For: The Children's Liturgy on Sunday July 5th

Youth alpha: Guess what dropped

Exciting News about Alpha - Now In Person and with Dinner!

Catholic Weekly Resumes Printing

Vale Michael Fenech

July 1 Covid-19 Update: Archbishop Directives


Alpha; Come and See!